
Jo would like to offer the affirmations below to take with you. 

Download those that speak to you with her best wishes.

I am committed to my self-love in practical ways, daily.
From this moment on I welcome all of the ways the universe gifts me learning experiences. I acknowledge that every experience is the gift towards my growth that I have asked for. Thank you.
My relationship with myself is rich in fulfilment, love, sensuality, nurturing and authenticity.
You may not sparkle every day, but you, my dear, are golden.
I am witness to the unfolding of my life. I trust the process
All limitations are imaginary
Celebrate what your body CAN do today.
Love note to self. I appreciate all you have done to bring us to this point, right now. And I am excited to see where your efforts take us next.
I always succeed
I am a leader. I lead by example, showing others what is possible.
Thank you for helping me to see that money and abundance loves me dearly. Money and abundance appreciates how I value it, revel in it and share it. Money and abundance loves to come and play with me. We create expansive energy together.
I acknowledge others. I acknowledge myself.
As my resistance falls away, my dreams manifest before my eyes
My relationship with money is healthy. Money and I enjoy each other.
I give myself permission to swim in the current of prosperity
I choose ease and flow in my life
My thoughts, feelings, words and deeds change the world around me
I love freely and without expectation
I trust my intuition and trust my clarity everyday. My spiritual vision is clear. I look at low vibration situations from my higher self because I choose how I react.
Today I choose to see the joy in all situations
I am blessed. I share my blessings.
0% expectations + 100% gratitude = happiness
I am grateful for the love in my heart, the success in my life, the money in my bank and the potential in my soul.
In our family we show love, and share love. We are open-hearted people.
It's not what I go through or what I have, but what I choose to do with that, that shapes who I am.
I enjoy and share my child like joy with the world
Thank you for inspiring me to inspire others. I am humbled and grateful.
My body deserves to be loved
Forget turning lemons into lemonade. If you want shit turned into fertiliser, I'm your gal.
Every day I am learning new things about myself and the world
I am safe in my body. I am safe in all of my being.
Right here, right now, is all that truly matters.
I receive in every moment of every day. I have gratitude for all I receive.
I send love to all the broken places within myself knowing these are my future strengths
I support those around me. Your growth is my growth.
I am grateful for the love in my heart, the success in my life, the money in my bank and the potential in my soul.
I am stepping into my future every day.
I blossom more and more each day
I am surrounded by more love, coming from more places, than I could possibly know.
I accept that my human knowing is insignificant in relation to the infinite wisdom of the universe... and I surrender.
I am an explorer. My exploration of my inner world and outer world expands my understanding of all things.
I am so grateful for the financial abundance in my life. My wealth grows every day.
My life is the combination of my thoughts, feelings and actions. I create my world.
I surrender to the knowledge that I am less than a drop in all the oceans. And, I acknowledge that I am the ocean.
Every step in progress
Today I acknowledge myself fully
I acknowledge the work I have done to reach this point of evolution, and I acknowledge the work I continue to do to evolve further.
I accept success in all areas of my life in complete alignment
Today I honour my body by giving it what it needs
I grow through implementing and maintaining my boundaries
Jo Lockhart Affirmation 23
Jo Lockhart Affirmation 109
Jo Lockhart Affirmation 140
Jo Lockhart Affirmation 46
Jo Lockhart Affirmation 36
I acknowledge the work I have done to reach this point in evolution.
Jo Lockhart Affirmation 103
Jo Lockhart Affirmation 32
Heaven is a place of our creation. Heaven really can be a place on earth.
Jo Lockhart Affirmation 102
Jo Lockhart Affirmation 106
I am solid within my knowing of who I am.
I believe, I trust, I accept, I receive.
I am so blessed to be of service to the world around me.
My life is an expression of my creative power in the universe.
Jo Lockhart Affirmation 107
I am grateful for every moment
I give thanks every day for all I receive, all I give, all I am, all I be and all I do.
The only fear that can exist is the fear I choose to empower.
Whatever happens externally, my heart remains open, strong & loving
I am blessed to give of myself to others.
I am surrounded by love always. I am infinitely loved.
I choose to take action in my life for the benefit of myself and others.
I acknowledge the wisdom of those who have walked the path ahead of me...
Jo Lockhart Affirmation 41
I give thanks for all the discomfort.
I am an infinite, limitless being, with infinite, limitless possibilities.
The beauty and bounty of life rolls towards me...
I am so grateful for the financial abundance in my life. My wealth grows every day.
Health, Wealth and Vitality are mine as soon as I accept them
Life loves me.
I am so happy and grateful to have a beautiful, joyous, healthy & loving body.
I am grateful for all things. I recognise everything as a gift
I surrender my wings and choose this life.
Today and every day I BE with passion & purpose, I DO with passion & purpose.
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