Emotional Regulation

The "KiDS" System: Know it, Do it, Share it!

This workshop is all of the foundational information and tools you will need to understand why your child (and yourself) has meltdowns, why he/she fights

 your help, and most importantly HOW to support your children and yourself better. Find out what my own children call ‘mums magic tricks!’

Go from struggle to satisfaction, from helplessness to harmony, from FFS to fun.

Included in this workshop is a full 30 page manual, 2x hypnosis MP3’s (one for you, one for your kids), inclusion in my ‘Happy Families’ FB group, and

 a live Q&A follow up a week later to keep you on track with implementing strategies.

Investment: $249. Payment plans available and NDIS funding may be accessed for this workshop (depending on your child’s plan).

Upcoming Emotional Regulation Courses
20 February 2021 9:00am - 5:00pm Beechboro BOOK NOW

Emotional Freedom Technique

EFT  (aka Tapping)

EFT is a tool based on Traditional Chinese Medicine, and Modern Neurology. And it offers almost instantaneous relief from physical, emotional and mental issues. However don’t be overwhelmed by its credentials - it is super easy to learn and use!

In this half day workshop we will learn how to use it to benefit ourselves and our loved ones.

You will leave feeling lighter, skilled and EMPOWERED!

This workshop includes theory and practical elements, and comes with a full manual.

Investment: $100. Payment plans are available and NDIS may be accessed for this workshop (depending on your child’s plan)

Special HRSS Parent & Carers EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique aka Tapping)
Wednesday 26 May 21 9:30am - 12:00 noon Beechboro BOOK NOW
Saturday 29 May 2021 9:30am - 12:00 noon Beechboro BOOK NOW

Vagus Nerve Stimulation     

For Nervous System Regulation (2.5 hours)

The Vagus Nerve is the largest cranial nerve in the body. It is responsible for an incredible number of communication pathways in the body, including our internal setting of ‘Rest and Digest’: the ability to be calm. 


This workshop gives the essential foundational information of how and why we as humans become stressed. It then goes through the theoretical background of the Vagus Nerve. Strategies are provided for quick calming resets, as well as ways to build our capacity to stay calmer for longer. 


This is an experiential workshop, with practical elements, and discussion. 


This workshop comes with a full manual.

Investment: $100. Payment plans are available.

Upcoming Vegus Nerve Stimulation Workshops
26 February 2021 9:30am - 12:00 noon Beechboro BOOK NOW

One on One Coaching

with Parents

Parents have always looked to others for guidance: their own parents and elders, friends, teachers, and parenting guru’s. With kids always growing, changing and entering new stages, we can all feel lost in parenting at times. The parenting journey is one of constant challenge and growth.

In my work with parents I use all of the knowledge, experience and skills I have gained in a lifetime... 24 years as a parent myself; being a parent in a nuclear family, a solo parent, and in a step family; 15 years working with children and families in mental health and well-being; knowledge of neurodiversity in families through personal experience and learning from many others; my training and work as a birth doula and breastfeeding counsellor; experience as a skilled facilitator and educator; and many, many courses, books and workshops.

All of these facets of learning have taught me many things, however the most important thing I have learnt is that the solutions for

my family are NOT the same as the solutions for your family. Who I am, and what I can do is be the guiding light to help you find and implement the best strategies for yourself and your family, with confidence and competence.

One on one coaching involves meeting with me either in person or online. I listen to the current challenges your family is experiencing, what your ideals may be, and help you set goals to achieve the changes you would like to see.

Some family and parenting goals may be things like

  • ‘Increasing cooperation and teamwork’
  • ‘Being more patient with my kids’
  • ‘Happy bedtimes’
  • ‘Reducing conflict’, or
  • ‘Enjoying time together and time apart’.

However, every family’s goals are as unique as every family!

Eye Movement Desensitisation

and Reprogramming

Eye Movement Desensitation and Reprogramming (EMDR) has been found again and again through methodologically sound research, to be a fast and effective modality to use with adults, adolescents and children as young as 3 years.

By using the power of the body and mind in an integrative way, it can treat severe trauma, C-PTSD, anxiety, and most other emotional and thought based difficulties, often in as little as 3-6 sessions. 

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